We Believe There’s Often A Gap Between What We Perceive As “Mi” And “U”

Bridging This Gap, Is The Fundamental Challenge Any Business, Organization Or Community Faces When Persuading Different Groups To Pull Together

We Believe Bringing “U+ MI Together” Is What Connects Complex Systems Of People And Their Experiences 

And Brings “Culture + Community”
Into Conversation With The Challenge At Hand 

Our Approach Seeks To Elevate The Dialog Make It Smarter, More Substantive, More Revealing 

And Seed Curiosity, Empathy And Openness Through The Stories Shared, Questions Asked And Voices Amplified

So What Do We Actually Do?

We Help Communities, Organizations, Businesses And Brands Communicate Better

By Developing Strategies, Tools and Tactics That Create Positive Conversations in Their Categories

Aligning People’s Experience To The Rhetoric And Closing Business Critical Gaps In Understanding

So We Can Work To Empower Positive Change And Pull Together, Not Apart